Simplify Mom Life

For real life examples and my personal experience with this, listen to the podcast episode. You can find “The Simplify Mom Life Podcast” wherever you listen to podcasts.

You can be happy with your home no matter where you live. Whether you live in an RV or a mansion, it has nothing to do with your own self worth or internal happiness.

Today, I am going to be sharing 12 tips that will help you be content with your home. I will also be sharing my own personal experiences in my podcast episode. So let’s jump into it!

how to be content with your home

  1. Stop waiting to be happy, focus on the reasons you have to be happy now. If you can’t be happy with where you are now, what make you think that a nicer house will make you happy? If you let your possessions determine your happiness, you will get stuck in a cycle of ups and downs. This mindset will only give you temporary happiness before you’re ready for change again.
  2. Understand what contentment is and how it can improve your happiness in all aspects of your life. Contentment is staying consistent with your internal happiness and not letting external factors determine your happiness for you.  Contentment is about being happy and grateful for your life as it is. This doesn’t mean you can’t improve your life; it is about focusing on the good things on your journey to change.
  3. Don’t allow your home to determine your self worth.  Society can make you believe that your home is tied to your self worth, but this is only true if you let it be. Your home has nothing to do with who you are as a person. Focus on how your house feels to YOU. It’s not about what it looks like, it’s about how you feel in your own home.
  4. Stop comparing your house to others. If you knew that no one would judge you for your home, would you feel differently about it? We all have different priorities and different styles. Focus on what makes your house feel like a home and the reason why you are living in your current home.
  5. Remind yourself why you are living in the house that you are. When you first moved in, did you like that you had an extra bedroom, that it was small and easy to maintain, or that you are saving money by living there? Focus on the things that drew you to your current home.
  6. Remind yourself daily what you are thankful for in your current home. Do you have a dishwasher, washer and dryer, etc. or are you living in your current home to save money? Whenever you are feeling down about your home, remind yourself of these things even if it’s for the simple fact that you have a roof over your head.
  7. Declutter your home. In order to find out what you do want, get rid of what you don’t want first. Clutter can make it harder to maintain your home, make you feel overwhelmed, and make you feel like life would be easier if you lived somewhere else.  In order to find what you love about your home, declutter everything that you don’t love so you can focus on what you do.
  8. Take pride in maintaining your home. It’s so easy to let things slip in the areas of your home that you don’t like, but if you let it go it will only add to the negative feelings you have about your home. Take pride in taking care of what you do have and you will feel a lot better about it!
  9. Plan for your future. Are your plans to stay in your home long term and fix it up? Do you want to update it and resell it? Are you living there to save money and reach your other life goals? Make a plan for what you want to do and divide it into small, manageable steps so you know you are working towards changing what you don’t like.
  10. Get off of social media. If you find yourself getting stuck in the comparison trap, get off of social media or unfollow the accounts that make you feel worse about yourself or your home. Distance yourself from the things that make you feel discontent.
  11. Get out of your house more. Whenever you are gone for a full day, it always feels nice to come back home. Especially if it is clean or tidy!
  12. Make good memories in your home and remember the good ones you have had. Your home is just a structure for you to live in. It is not related to your ability to make memories. No matter how big or small it is, there are memories to be made.
Now what?

If you still feel like you are struggling with being content with your home, journal on these things.

Another thing that will help is by taking action by decluttering! Clear the clutter and it will clear your mind. That way, you can focus on appreciating the things that you love.

I really hope this helped you find contentment with your home and that you will stick around to learn more about simplifying your life! 

** If you feel stuck at any point or if you want to celebrate your wins with me, you can leave a comment below or join my Facebook Group.

** Be sure to subscribe to “The Simplify Mom Life Podcast” wherever you listen to podcasts or click here to get an email reminder each week when a new blog post / podcast episode is ready. 

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