Simplify Mom Life

hey there!

Welcome Here! My name is Brooke Tikka.

As a mom of three with several chronic health conditions, I got to a point where I felt like I wasn‘t getting anywhere – no matter how hard I tried.

I was exhausted. I felt like I had lost the person I had hoped to be. I felt stuck in my own head.

I knew something had to change.

It started with mindset shifts and decluttering my physical and mental clutter. Then, it led to learning new mom hacks that made my day to day life easier!

Now, a couple years later, I am here to share what I’ve learned in hopes that it will help you as much as it has helped me.

how much better would you feel if:


  • Your house was easy to keep clean.
  • Your mind was less cluttered.
  • You had more time to be present with the ones you love.
  • You had more energy to do the things you enjoy.

That would feel amazing wouldn’t it? Well, this will be your life soon if you stick around! I am here to show you how you can achieve this in the easiest way possible. 🙂

i would love to be a part of your journey

my goal is to:

Notebook and Pencil

Keep it Simple

Every Tuesday I will publish a new post walking you through a way that you can simplify your life. I will be walking you through step-by-step so you can do it with me. 

Each small step will add up!:)

phone, coffee, and notebook

Make it Easily Accessible

Each post will have a blog post and podcast version.

If you want to get notified each time I post a new one, click here to sign up to get each post sent to your inbox!


Support you

I have opened up the comments on my posts so that we can all get together to encourage, motivate, and celebrate each other there!

You can also reach out to me by replying to my emails, the contact page, or by joining my Facebook group.

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